Waiter App

EZtill is an all in one solution for the problems that may arise in a restaurant’s operations. Its waiter app is the advert of the ultimate convenience that it brings to a restaurant business. It allows waiters the luxury of carrying out their manual work via this app, which can enhance their productivity.


  • Order Placement and Processing:

    When the waiter takes orders from the customer and submits it, the kitchen staff can instantly see the order. The main POS system of the restaurant stores the order in its database for billing and further processing. In case of the order's cancellation, the waiter can remove the order or replace it with a new one. The waiter app can send orders to multiple kitchens, making it even more effective.

  • Table Management:

    The first and foremost benefit of using the waiter app is that it allows the waiters to cater to multiple tables' needs at a time. The customers sitting on various tables don’t have to wait long for the waiter to take their order. EZtill's waiter app allows several orders to be forwarded to the kitchen at a time. This not only saves time for the staff but also of the customers.

  • Integration with POS:

    The waiter app is connected with the main POS system of a restaurant. Any update and action conducted on the waiter app automatically show on the POS system. This automation of the workflow in a restaurant results in increased profitability of the business.

  • Saving Customer Details:

    The EZtill's waiter app fetches all the details of the customer ranging from the menu to bill. This record is automatically transferred to the restaurant's POS system, where it is saved in the main database. This customer data can be shared with other restaurant locations like the kitchen, etc. through POS integration.

  • Facilitation in Billing:

    As the waiter app is integrated with the POS system, the menu listing along with the bill is sent to the main POS database. This allows the person sitting on the main POS system to prepare and print the bill to be ready when customers are leaving.

  • Responsiveness:

    The waiter app of the EZtill is responsive to various screen sizes to ensure that everyone can use it. It can be run on both smartphones and tablets, making it convenient for the restaurants to use any device.

Cash Payments

NFC Payments

Magnetic Strip Swipe

Card Chip Payments

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